Does your player mentally get in his/her own way? For the last decade, I've studied mindsets that optimize performance. Here are some common ways kids hold themselves back on the court or field... and in the classroom as well:
If you've noticed any, or all, of these tendencies in your child(ren), please note that these are natural ways to react to stress, and these tendencies have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Most importantly, please be aware that we can train his or her "Mental Skills" to break thru these mental blocks to perform at their potential!
After a long professional basketball career, I became trained to teach a course developed at the UCSD Center for Mindfulness called mPEAK (mindfulness-based Performance Enhancement, Awareness and Knowledge), which was developed for the US Olympic BMX team, and changed their brain chemistry to enhance performance and helped them win the Gold!
For the past 6 years, I've been teaching this scientifically backed wisdom to basketball players at the youth, High School, Collegiate and Professional levels, and testimonials confirm that this program has improved athletes' resilience, focus, confidence, performance and happiness! See below for more testimonials.
There are 3 components to the program that are listed below:
Weekly coaching sessions with Coach Keith tailored specifically to your needs!
Athletes will participate in same-age group sessions. Support provided from like-minded athletes sharing similar struggles and practicing mental skills techniques together is powerful!
Athletes receive professionally guided meditations, visualizations and affirmations weekly. Dedicated daily mental skills practice produces higher stat-lines so the kids can compete!
Get in touch today to start your FREE trial!
"I'm more able to calm myself down... I'm less afraid of failing, so I'm able to take more risks and be better. In this past tournament I was a lot more aggressive, and I scored more points and got more steals. Definitely a lot more fun!"
- Jakob, 11-year-old basketball player
"He's really hard on himself, and over the course of the season Keith and he had been working to make sure they channel that, put it in the right place... taking the pressure of the moment and not crack under but let that be... To see him take the pressure of the last shot... he grew so much and he was able to come thru that in a way we just couldn't see in the early part of the season."
- Matt, coach of nine-year-old
"It gives him skills he takes with him in games in practices and anything he does... when he goes to school... he takes those lessons he learns and it makes him a better person and stronger person in everything he does."
-Lori, mother of fourteen-year-old
"He's developed the ability to calm himself down, and think and be level-headed... It's also helped in his academic work so he can accomplish his goals and move forward."
-Raje, father of 11-year-old
"It helps me get in a different presence of mind... It helps me focus on my goals."
-Abhay S, 13 years old
"It gives you a positive attitude and helps you stay focused!"
-Matt, 10 years old